Japan Expo Marseille - February 21-23, 2025
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Child of Kamiari Month: conference

Don’t miss Toshinari SHINOHE and Michihiko SUWA’s conference: the two producers of Child of Kamiari Month are introducing you to this animation film currently in production, the release of which is planned in 2020. If you haven’t heard about it yet, this is the opportunity!

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In Japan, it is said that there are 8 million gods, all present in all the things around us. In October every year, they get together in Izumo for a matchmaking conference. This period is called Kamiarizuki, the month when the gods are present.

Based on this legend, the animation movie Kamiarizuki no Kodomo, Child of Kamiari Month in English, depicts the charms of the land of the rising sun through the journey of a girl, Kanna, across Japan to reach Izumo. The film is currently in production and its release is planned in 2020. 

On Sunday, March 1st, Toshinari SHINOHE and Michihiko SUWA, both producers of the film, will be meeting you at Japan Expo Sud to tell you more about Child of Kamiari Month: don’t miss their conference before you can discover the film later this year!


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More about Child of Kamiari Month on:

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  • Anime

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