Japan Expo Marseille - February 21-23, 2025
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Sandrine CHABRE

Meet the historian Sandrine CHABRE at Japan Expo Sud!

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After a classical university career and several research missions for specialized institutions (Château de Versailles, Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art, etc.), Sandrine Chabre decided to go off the beaten track and practice the profession of historian in a slightly different way than what we know.

Her goal: to make history accessible to all, by all means! As an independent researcher, guide, lecturer and author, she leads real investigations to bring back to life the men and women of the past, those who are generally absent from history books...


Il aima le Japon et le fit aimer, Léon Dury (1822-1891), éd. Le Pressoir Malicieux, 2022

De la Provence à la Nouvelle-France : Etienne Verrier (1683-1747), ingénieur du Roy, éd. Ville de Trets, 2015

Atlantes & Cariatides, éd. Edilivre universitaire, 2012


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