Japan Expo Marseille - February 21-23, 2025
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Toshinari SHINOHE

A few months prior to the release of Child of Kamiari Month, planned for the fall of 2020, Toshinari SHINOHE, coproducer of the movie, is attending Japan Expo Sud to tell you more about this enchanting animation movie, full of Japanese legends and folk tales!

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Toshinari SHINOHE was born in 1980 in Chiba Prefecture and started his career 10 years ago with the communication agency cretica universal. He has worked on promoting films, manga, and theme parks. He has organized the premieres of Cinderella and GODZILLA, created derived products for Little Prince in Toyota, and organized the collaboration with the city of Kurashiki for the release of the film Napping Princess. He also oversaw the start-up TOYOTA ANIME CINEMA FESTIVAL.

Toshinari SHINOHE is also one of the original producers of the film Kamiarizuki no Kodomo, Child of Kamiari Month in English. The film is about a girl, Kanna, who’s mysteriously attracted to the region of Izumo, and about her trip across Japan. The film is currently in production and its release is planned in 2020. 

On Sunday March 1st, Toshinari SHINOHE will be holding a signing at Japan Expo Sud with Michihiko SUWA, coproducer of Child of Kamiari Month. They’re also giving a conference to talk about the film.

More about Child of Kamiari Month on:

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